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Call us! 602-380-8080
Property Description
It is an “A” Class built shopping center, consisting of over 37,000 SF of rental space. It is anchored by A Family Dollar store. Also included in the strip center are Domino’s Pizza, Lerner and Rowe, the largest law firm in Arizona, Sara Lee, a beautiful Orabella Banquet Hall, among others. On the corner of Glendale Avenue and 67th Avenue is one of the busiest QuikTrips in Arizona (Separately Owned). There are near 50,000
VPD at this intersection.
Property Details
Area Demographics

Glendale Mercado

Glendale Mercado

Glendale Mercado0421

Glendale Mercado

Glendale Mercado

Glendale Mercado

Glendale Mercado

Glendale Mercado

Glendale Mercado
Attractive Lease Rates Available
Active Tenants
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